About Me

Hi. I like to read books sometimes. I'm not as avid a reader as I'd like to be and my pile of unread books grows a lot more than it shrinks. If I had to pick my top three favourite authors without thinking about it too much, I'd say C.S. Lewis, John Kennedy Toole and Ken Kesey. I'm an autodidactic student of theology and geography and a lifelong computer nerd. I try to be a good Christian. I like movies too. My favourite movies of all time can be found here. I don't watch many TV shows but my absolute favourites are Carnivale and Silicon Valley. I find it hard to commit to long TV shows and I typically lose interest after a few seasons. Also a lifelong (24 years) Peanuts enjoyer if you couldn't tell already. In fact, Peanuts is the greatest comic strip and animated work ever conceived. I currently have a PC that I built initially in 2017 (but have upgraded/swapped various parts since) running Windows 10 (eww) that I use strictly for gaming (and Stable Diffusion now) and a refurbished Thinkpad X1 Carbon gen 6 running Void Linux that I use for just about everything else. Many ThinkPads have come into my possession but this is the only one that I have currently. It's not perfect but it's better than no ThinkPad (My favourite will always be the X220). My desktop is running an 1800X and a 1080 Ti. NO I am NOT trans despite being into computers and using Linux. I like free and open source software and use it ALMOST exclusively. I plan to switch to Arch on my desktop when I get an AMD GPU. I like second hand products because they're cheap and don't like contributing to e-waste. I fix computers for a living now. My favourite video games of all time can be found here. I like MMA and baseball too. GO BRAVES!!!!! As for MMA, I only watch UFC and ONE, as well as some old Pride and Strikeforce stuff that I may find online. NO I DO NOT WATCH SMELLATOR. I promise I don't just consoom media all day. I also write (mostly essays but some short fiction and poetry), but I'm far too self conscious to share any of my creations with the world. And please don't take the contents of this site as an accurate reflection of my writing ability because this site is shit. I'm UNVAXXED against COVID, I don't shave my body and I only eat beef and pasta. I cured my lactose intolerance and social anxiety by switching to a diet of strictly beef, salt and strawberry milk for approx. 6 months (NOT A LIE)

ADHD isn't real.

If you are reading this, maybe I sent this site to you and you know me already. In fact, that is very likely. I doubt this site will gain much traffic from random internet users, but if you are a stranger, it would be cute of you to send me an email at duckyp@skiff.com - Of course you don't have to, but I do get pretty lonely sometimes and nothing brightens my mood like corresponding with unknowns through a computer screen